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A Manifesto

Answer the following questions and use your answers to create your own health Manifesto. Click here for a pdf version of the manifesto outline. 

  1. What does it mean to be healthy?

  1. Why do you want to be healthy?

  1. Imagine it’s one year from today. What have you accomplished?

  1. What works for you? What do you like to do? What can you sustain?

  1. What are some things you could do to meet a health goal?

  1. A Healthy person does a lot of this:

  1. A healthy person doesn’t do this:

  1. What are some good resources or tools to help?

  1. How does a healthy person know they’re healthy?

My Fitness Manifesto

I want to be healthier. To me, being healthier means _________________ (1).

I want this because __________________, _________________ and _________________ (2).

I will focus on _________________ (2) to reach my goal of ______________________ (3).

To get to my goal, I will _______________, __________________ and _________________.

I will maximize _________________ (6) and minimize ________________ (7).

I will use the following resources ______________, ________________ and


I track my progress _____________________________ (8) and I will know that I have met my

goal when _________________________ (9).

I will share my progress with _______________________.


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